Sunday 2 June 2019

Hassle Free Kefir Bags for Milk Kefir Grains Re-Hydration

Let me tell you about my recent invention... I won't say this invention would deserve a Noble prize or any other high rewards but to be fair it is very convenient for what it is, and as my blog about kefir - I mean these things are very good for kefir cultivation, and in particular for re-hydration of dry kefir grains.

We call them "Hassle Free Kefir" Bags.

These "Hassle Free Kefir" bags are made of a new, environmentally friendly material - unbleached corn fibre. They are plastic free, biodegradable and home compostable - which is important when we cultivate our kefir at home. And below is a picture what they look like.


These bags hold the kefir grains in while fermenting. They are called ‘hassle free’ because they remove several messy steps from your kefir cultivation process – separating, draining, and washing the grains out, and then cleaning your tools afterwards. With these bags you do not need to use a sieve and a spoon to separate fermented kefir (your probiotic drink) from the grains.

All you’ll need to do it wash a bag containing the kefir grains in clean water (it could be a tap water if it is acceptable quality in your country, or cold boiled water). You’ll then have fresh clean grains ready for your next batch without the remains of turned milk.

The rest of the cultivation process would be similar to a traditional way of kefir cultivation where we use a sieve and a spoon

YOUR STEPS WHEN STARTING kefir for the first time:

1. For those who have dehydrated kefir:

Put your grains in the bag. Pull the soft cotton drawstring to close. Your ‘hassle free kefir’ is now ready to ferment!

2. Pour the milk in a jar and put your ‘hassle free bag’ into the milk. Make sure that the bag is fully submerged in the milk and cover the jar (with muslin, cheese cloth, or any light breathable material, but do not cover it with a lid). Keep a jar further from direct sun light but not in a dark cupboard.

3. Leave your kefir grains to ferment for approximately 24 hours. Time will depend on room temperature, quality of milk, amount or grains and milk, etc.

4. After fermentation, take your ‘hassle free bag’ out and carefully wash it in lukewarm water. Gently squeeze the bag and rinse again until the grains are clean.

5. Pour your fresh probiotic in a glass and enjoy your freshly made drink!

6. Prepare a clean jar for your next batch and repeat the process from step 2.

By using these ‘hassle free bags’ for your kefir fermentation you’ll skip several ‘messy’ steps and make the whole process quicker and easier. This convenient way is especially good when you have limited time or prefer not to use a sieve and a spoon. Or even when you travel! That’s why we call this way ‘hassle free kefir’ cultivation.


The bags have a drawstring which can be tightened to keep kefir grains in securetely. It’s also easy to take the bag out of the jar.

Size of the bags is 6x8 cm – this is plenty for dehydrated kefir to start with and to grow it up to 2 table spoons.

One bag should last for approximately 1 to 2 weeks up to 3 (10-20 fermentations) and after that you probably want to replace one with a new bag or start cultivating your kefir in the traditional way (which includes separating the fermented kefir from the grains using a sieve and a spoon).


Now, if you want to give it a try there is an easy way to order these bags. Click HERE and this will take you to my ETSY shop. Order as many bags as you want. I'd recommend 2-4 pcs/ a month.

Please keep in mind just one thing - if you are going to use these or any other bags for more than a month, you then should give your grains some rest from living in a bag - send your grains on "holiday" by cultivating them in a traditional way - just keep the grains loose in a jar with milk and separate fermented milk from the grains regularly (every 20-24 hours approx) using a sieve and a spoon. Do this way for a week or two before you put the grains in a bag again. Doing this way, you let the grains grow better and quicker and ferment milk thoroughly.

By the way, did you know how first kefir was discovered? People in Caucasus kept goat milk in big leather sacks, then they noticed that when milk turn off it became what we know know as kefir. Well, there are several legends about how we discovered kefir and this is one of them :)

Sunday 7 October 2018

Where to Buy Live Milk Kefir in the UK

It's not a secret that live kefir grains are easier to start cultivating compared to dehydrated ones. For those living in the UK there is an option to buy one of my kefir strains - Russian or Tibetan - from my Etsy store or on Ebay (search for "Live Milk Kefir Free Post").

However, if you are not in the UK but want to try and start cultivating milk kefir from dehydrated grains, I'll have a good news for you which I'll announce very soon. We will have hassle free kefir! This is a new revolutionary way how to cultivate kefir and spend a very little time on that!

How is that? :))

Please come and check us shortly! ;)

Thursday 21 December 2017

Offer: Russian vs Tibetan milk kefir grains

I currently cultivate two milk kefir strains - one that I bought from Russia and so is called Russian, another one was brought from Tibet and purchased from Tibetan yogis! It might be that these grains were cultivating in Tibet for centuries and never left this place... never until recently! 

Whilst my both strains are milk kefir grains and have all the benefits of this amazing probiotic, some of my customers prefer Tibetan grains, whilst others purchase the Russian grains. Those who buy both say that they taste slightly difference. For example, Tibetan kefir is smooth and hoppy, Russian kefir tastes slightly sour, stronger and has more yogurt-like texture. In my opinion, the differences in tastes may cause by amount of grains in a jar, amount of milk, fermentation time, temperature in a room, etc. 

I know that for some of you is very difficult to choose one so why should we choose - get both types and decide which one you like better (or maybe you will like both). 

I created a listing offering 1 teaspoon of the dehydrated grains of each strain (its 1 full tablespoon of fresh grains when activated) This amount is enough to make 150-200 ml of ready drink to start with. The grains will multiply overtime - you only buy them once and keep them for ever! 

Click here or here to learn more and place your order.

Enjoy your healthy drink! :)

Monday 11 September 2017

Milk Kefir in 45 countries - September Update

My Kefir Map was started 1.5 years ago and showed that my dehydrated kefir was posted to 25 countries. Now, in September 2017 kefir grains live in 45 countries - it is 23% of all countries worldwide! I find this circumstances is very amazing and feel pleased that more and more people start getting all benefits from this healthy unique probiotic, called kefir.

New countries in our circle are India and Sri-Lanka, take a look at this map!

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Update for Kefir Map (April 2017)

Just a couple of months ago I updated my Viral Kefir Map where shared an image of a map with all the countries my kefir now lives - at that time it was 40 countries! A year ago in February 2016 it was 25 countries, so we can see a huge growing interest for these magic little buddies.
Now here is the latest update for April 2017 - we have two more countries added to the map - they are Oman and Zambia, and it is 42 countries in total!

Here are two places where you can find my kefir: Etsy Around Nature shop and Ebay Russian or Ebay Tibetan kefir (click on the one you prefer). And just a reminder, I post only dehydrated kefir worldwide as this is the only one way to deliver the grains safe to some of the countries. 

Monday 18 July 2016

New offer of milk kefir grains + kefir jelly recipe

You may find lots of offers for the kefir grains - fresh or dehydrated - however this one is something originally came from Russia...  I brought it from Russia several years ago and I always take it with me when I travel when appropriate. 

You may know in Russia this healthy drink has been very popular for many decades.  According to one of legends the kefir was brought into Russia from Caucasus region in early 1900th. Initially it was given by prescription and consumed by only affluent people who could afford it. It was later mass produced and has been widely available to the general population since the 1950's. It is also popular drink in Japan, Poland, Canada, Ukraine, Belorussia, and some others.

You now can purchase your own sample of this exclusive culture of kefir - all you will need to do is add milk.

If you wish to make a healthy kefir jelly for your children, I recommend you to try this recipe. I translated and adapted this recipe by myself and made a photo step-by-step guide how you also can make this healthy probiotic desert. It is very easy :)  

If you want to buy both kefir grains (dehydrated) and kefir jelly recipe, please click HERE or HERE