Monday 18 July 2016

New offer of milk kefir grains + kefir jelly recipe

You may find lots of offers for the kefir grains - fresh or dehydrated - however this one is something originally came from Russia...  I brought it from Russia several years ago and I always take it with me when I travel when appropriate. 

You may know in Russia this healthy drink has been very popular for many decades.  According to one of legends the kefir was brought into Russia from Caucasus region in early 1900th. Initially it was given by prescription and consumed by only affluent people who could afford it. It was later mass produced and has been widely available to the general population since the 1950's. It is also popular drink in Japan, Poland, Canada, Ukraine, Belorussia, and some others.

You now can purchase your own sample of this exclusive culture of kefir - all you will need to do is add milk.

If you wish to make a healthy kefir jelly for your children, I recommend you to try this recipe. I translated and adapted this recipe by myself and made a photo step-by-step guide how you also can make this healthy probiotic desert. It is very easy :)  

If you want to buy both kefir grains (dehydrated) and kefir jelly recipe, please click HERE or HERE

Wednesday 17 February 2016

A Map for my Viral Kefir

Hi guys! You know I was curious how many countries and places my kefir is living now in and today I found how to make a personalized map in Google Maps. I am just half way and it is already 25 countries and more than 50 different towns and places. I should finish it and publish with the latest data soon :)
Meanwhile if you are curious too take a look - click here