Thursday 21 December 2017

Offer: Russian vs Tibetan milk kefir grains

I currently cultivate two milk kefir strains - one that I bought from Russia and so is called Russian, another one was brought from Tibet and purchased from Tibetan yogis! It might be that these grains were cultivating in Tibet for centuries and never left this place... never until recently! 

Whilst my both strains are milk kefir grains and have all the benefits of this amazing probiotic, some of my customers prefer Tibetan grains, whilst others purchase the Russian grains. Those who buy both say that they taste slightly difference. For example, Tibetan kefir is smooth and hoppy, Russian kefir tastes slightly sour, stronger and has more yogurt-like texture. In my opinion, the differences in tastes may cause by amount of grains in a jar, amount of milk, fermentation time, temperature in a room, etc. 

I know that for some of you is very difficult to choose one so why should we choose - get both types and decide which one you like better (or maybe you will like both). 

I created a listing offering 1 teaspoon of the dehydrated grains of each strain (its 1 full tablespoon of fresh grains when activated) This amount is enough to make 150-200 ml of ready drink to start with. The grains will multiply overtime - you only buy them once and keep them for ever! 

Click here or here to learn more and place your order.

Enjoy your healthy drink! :)