
How to make your first Kefir
1.    Tools required: a plastic/wooden/silicone spoon, measuring jug, glass jar and plastic sieve. Try to avoid using any metal tools.
2.     Once you received the kefir starter – white grains, take them out of the packet and rinse them in cold water using a sieve (if dry grains put them firstly in fresh water for 1 hour and then put them in milk). Do not use warm or hot water.
3.     Now take a glass jar - wash it out well, make sure it is clean.
4.     Add milk to the glass jar depending on the amount of kefir grains you have. One teaspoon of the grains makes 150-250 ml of kefir drink; one tablespoon makes 300-450 ml.
5.    The milk can be organic or standard pasteurized (with short shelf life), not sterilized. Cow’s, goat’s, even soya milk is acceptable (the last is a temporary solution; the grains should be kept in a proper milk once per 1-3 weeks). The fat content can vary depending on your preference.
6.    Now put the grains into the jar containing the milk (you may want to soak dehydrated grains for 30 min in still water before putting in milk), cover your jar with a napkin or other clean cloth that will allow the grains to “breath” and prevent contamination from any dust and flies, you can secure the napkin with an elastic band. Do not use any lids.
7.     Leave your kefir to ferment for approximately 24 h at room temperature. The kefir grains turn the milk into the kefir drink. Please note it may take a bit longer if your kefir grains are dehydrated; yet it may take 1-2 more brews before it produced a perfect drink – this is due to the fact that the grains need to “wake up”.
8.    You now need to separate the grains from the mix. Using the sieve strain the drink into a clean glass and rinse the grains in cold water. Wash the jar and you are now ready to start your next brew. Please note: the grains will multiply over time which means you can produce more kefir drink.
9.     Enjoy your kefir drink! I hope your kefir will benefit you for long time.

                                                              Some tips
1.      You can consume kefir in the morning before breakfast, before you go to sleep, or about 30-60 min before or after meal.
2.     Initially it may take a little longer to produce your first batch (24-35 h). It depends on both the amount of milk and grains you use. More grains in a small amount of milk grow faster. By experimenting you will find the best way to cultivate your kefir to meet your needs.
3.    If in 30 h you find that your drink is not ready yet (very running liquid, rather milk than yogurt consistency) put the jar in warmer place (but not hot!!) and leave it for few more hours, it may need time to get used to the new environment.
4.     Shorter fermentation process makes kefir taste softer/milder, like yogurt. Longer fermentation makes it thicker and sourer.
5.    If you use low fat milk or soya, coconut milk, give your grains to stay 24 h in fat milk once per week.
6.     If your kefir drink has a bitter taste, it may mean you kept it too long. If this is the case, rinse the grains well in cold water, and start the fermentation process again with fresh milk.
7.      If you decide to have a break from consuming kefir you may:
·       for a short break (up to a week) keep the washed grains in a jar/plastic bag in clean water in the fridge (water slightly covering the grains);

·       for a long break – up to 6 months - put the washed grains in clean plastic bag or container and keep them in the freezer (without water or milk).