Monday 22 July 2013

How to make smoothie: Infographic & examples of milk kefir smoothies

I'd like to share with you an interesting guide how to make smoothies - click to open an infographic. In my smoothie I always add a cup or two of freshly prepared milk kefir - and here are just a few of pictures of my smoothies :)

Smoothie are really great for our digestive system, and balance our good pattern especially when we have too much convenient good. Try and you will be surprised 😊 This smoothie has lots of things; oat powder, ground #flaxseed - soak them in water or #kefir for at least 15 minutes before you blend them with the rest. I also add banana 1 or 2 and I prefer them frozen - then smoothie become cooler and nicer to my taste. Kiwi, 1/2 #celery stick, strawberries, #milkkefir and #greekyogurt the latter make taste softer, not so sour after kefir and kiwi. Ah, this smoothie also has this green herb, can't remember how it's called 😘 #energydrink #greensmoothie #smoothieforbreakfast #nutrition #diet #healthydrinks #oatsmoothie #foodstagram #vegan #vegandrink #vegstagram #vegetarian #weightloss #dietdrink
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Made my first #raw #mousse with #milkkefir The recipe is simple: take a cup of #kefir and soaked all powdered #oats #sesameseeds #flaxseed (I prefer gokden) for 30-60 mins (you may do it overnight). Pour in smoothie maker, added #celery stick , banana, pamelo (I just needed to use it), avocado (make mousse thicker) and mango. Blended, added yoghurt in the end (don't blend it or at least not too long), put in a nice jar and decorated with #raspberry. Portionwise is really depends on you, just be sensible and don't add too much celery or other green ingredients as it makes the taste too #veggie and don't add too much banana as we are on #reducedsugar journey 😉 Hubby liked it and its a great thing as he doesn't like kefir as thinks its too soure to his taste - I didn't tell him it was in 😄 #vegstagram #rawdesert #rawcooking #rawstagram #smoothie #healthyeating #ondiet #looseweight #nutrition #instafood #foodstagram
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Friday 19 July 2013

Kefir originated from Russia

Kefir is a great way to naturally and quickly boost your health as it helps strengthening your body’s eco-system, support immunity and promotes better digestion, it normalises metabolism (especially after the party season) and even assists with weight loss.

Additional benefits include: easing the symptoms of IBS, improving the tone and texture of your skin, fighting lactose-intolerance, restores the intestinal flora after taking antibiotics and even clears the body of toxins.

Research shows kefir also lower your cholesterol thereby protecting cardio vascular damage.  And that’s not all!  Kefir is especially helpful if you have indigestion, particularly after a ‘rich’ meal, and some claim, even as a hangover cure!

Why this Kefir is Original?

The kefir grains I am cultivating originally brought from Russia where this healthy drink has been very popular for many years. According to one of legends the kefir was brought into Russia from Caucasus region in early 1900th. Initially it was given by prescription and consumed by only affluent people who could afford it. It was later mass produced and has been widely available to the general population since the 1950's.