Monday 22 July 2013

How to make smoothie: Infographic & examples of milk kefir smoothies

I'd like to share with you an interesting guide how to make smoothies - click to open an infographic. In my smoothie I always add a cup or two of freshly prepared milk kefir - and here are just a few of pictures of my smoothies :)

Smoothie are really great for our digestive system, and balance our good pattern especially when we have too much convenient good. Try and you will be surprised 😊 This smoothie has lots of things; oat powder, ground #flaxseed - soak them in water or #kefir for at least 15 minutes before you blend them with the rest. I also add banana 1 or 2 and I prefer them frozen - then smoothie become cooler and nicer to my taste. Kiwi, 1/2 #celery stick, strawberries, #milkkefir and #greekyogurt the latter make taste softer, not so sour after kefir and kiwi. Ah, this smoothie also has this green herb, can't remember how it's called 😘 #energydrink #greensmoothie #smoothieforbreakfast #nutrition #diet #healthydrinks #oatsmoothie #foodstagram #vegan #vegandrink #vegstagram #vegetarian #weightloss #dietdrink
A post shared by Ariyarna Handmade & Pompoms (@ariyarna) on

Made my first #raw #mousse with #milkkefir The recipe is simple: take a cup of #kefir and soaked all powdered #oats #sesameseeds #flaxseed (I prefer gokden) for 30-60 mins (you may do it overnight). Pour in smoothie maker, added #celery stick , banana, pamelo (I just needed to use it), avocado (make mousse thicker) and mango. Blended, added yoghurt in the end (don't blend it or at least not too long), put in a nice jar and decorated with #raspberry. Portionwise is really depends on you, just be sensible and don't add too much celery or other green ingredients as it makes the taste too #veggie and don't add too much banana as we are on #reducedsugar journey 😉 Hubby liked it and its a great thing as he doesn't like kefir as thinks its too soure to his taste - I didn't tell him it was in 😄 #vegstagram #rawdesert #rawcooking #rawstagram #smoothie #healthyeating #ondiet #looseweight #nutrition #instafood #foodstagram
A post shared by Ariyarna Handmade & Pompoms (@ariyarna) on

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